Aug 18, 2009

Flying to Budapest

Ok, so as you know, I suffer from fear of flying, but I try not to remember it all the time...That is why, I decided that I will be traveling to Budapest, Hungary next week, in a whimsical moment when I decided I needed to break routine.

So, I made sure I am not flying charter, not flying any dubious airline either.
I booked the two last seats on the plane...

I was probably the only one to ask which aircraft it is (Boening 757) and proceeded to ask for the pilot's name....(was joking, of course, or perhaps not?.......)

Now for those of you who write to me and tell me how you are terrified months ahead - do what I do.
From now until the taxi to the airport, I will not be thinking of the flight.
I am going to spend my time preparing the trip and that is what I want to suggest to all of you - Concentrate on the happy side of the trip - visiting another culture, new sights, tastes and smells.

Of course, subconsciously, I am searching for reasons why I shouldn't go (I already checked what the cancellations fees are...) and will probably interpret little things that will happen as signs of why I shouldnt go....

My mantra - I will NOT let this fear ground me to home base. I want to see the world and so I shall.

Have a good day.


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